
Showing posts with label SOAP UI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOAP UI. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Web Service Testing With SOAP UI

SoapUI is an open source web service testing application .Download and Install SOAP UI from

Create new project by right clicking on projects

after creating new project browse for concrete wsdl. Then you will get the all methods that which lies in your concrete wsdl.I created the sample web service in TIBCO BW with three operations one is addition and subtraction  another is multiplication.
after exporting it into my local drive I loaded that concrete  WSDL in soap UI.

Now create sample request to invoke your web service.Just expand the method that which you want to invoke and double click the request then in the right panel you will see the request in xml form now you need to fill the input parameters by replacing "?" .by clicking green button on top you can consume webservice and gets the response back from webservice.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Testing TIBCO HTTP gateway services using SOAPUI


STEP 1:- Create the new project in soapui
  • Click ok

STEP 2:- Create new test suite


STEP 3:- Create new test case in the test suite
STEP 4:- Create new test step
Click on    in   “test case
Specify the name of HTTP Test Request
STEP 5:- Now Configure HTTP Request.Select Method as “POST”
Give the address in   where your http receiver is listening   (http://hostname:portnumber ) 
Create parameters by which you are going to test your http process
STEP 6:- Now the http test request is configured 
Now by giving values to the parameters and clicking   (Run) button request will be generated.

Request received by http receiver which is in the Tibco Process Definition  
You can see and enjoy http response in html console of SOAPUI



Configuring HermesJMS for TIBCO EMS
HermesJMS provides a GUI to access JMS queues and topics for common tasks such as
1) sending messages,
2) removing messages and
3) copying messages between queues and topics.
Start HermesJMS

When Hermes started successfully, click on “Create new JMS session” button, preferences window will appear, select providers tab and right-click on free space Then press “Add Group” and enter group name. Right-click on “Library” and press “Add JAR(s)”.
Look in <tibco_home>\ems\5.1\lib folder and select all .jar files there. Click “Open”, then let Hermes to scan jars for factories.
press “Scan” button.

All libraries will be in the list like on image shown below.
 Then press “Apply”.
Go to “Sessions” tab and enter name for session: “EMS” for example
then select “EMS” loader
Next step is select “com.tibco.tibjms. TibjmsConnectionFactory” class and “Tibco EMS” plugin.
Order is very important.
select loader, then class, then plug in.

Right-click on free space in plugin section and press “Add property”. You have to enter all three properties:
usernamepassword and serverURL, do the same for Connection Factory,

Give the values to the properties.

then press “OK” to save and close properties window.
Now we can connect Hermes to our EMS. Let it discover queues and topics, press “Discover queues and topics from the provider” button.
Then confirm replacement of the current set of destinations and list will be updated.

The list of queues and topic will be appear as shown below.

Now you let us test hermesJMS with simple example
In the following screenshot jms Queue receiver’s destination queue is “vinay”   
Now I am sending message on queue whose name  is “vinay”
Then message is successfully received by jms Queue receiver.